Saturday 6 July 2019

The last 7 days on the Island.

   Well 7 more days until we pull out. I found out that you might need a plan before you ship. I keep looking for stuff and then think oh it was shipped. I shipped all my pots except for 1 but I shipped the lid. Had to use a plate for it and it work sort of. I still have a bunch to go and running out of tubs. 600 lbs so far out the door another 400 waiting. I couldn't believe that my old truck packed that much up here. I only have to drive 750 miles when I get off the ferry. I hope it it will be a more relaxing drive. But I know my luck that Canadian jail cell might be still empty.

  Monday it has been one I figured that I would go ahead and crate things up so when I get to Anchorage I can just drop them off at the shipping company. It shouldn't take that long WRONG it took me most of the day just to build them. I thought I had shipped somethings it just keeps coming out of the wood work. I look around and she is dragging more things out to ship. I might change my mind on the last post it might stay here. I work all day and going to take everything out and repack I missed a whole closet. I am already tired and I have 5 more days and the boat is going to leave. I am going to be on it maybe a little lighter.

  Tuesday I started like a house on fire but ended just a little candle. I had another 7 tubs ready to ship got them to the post office and shipped them. I got back and started to fill the crate I noticed that I didn't have no handles so I empty it bought handles and put them on. You know I had everything just right the first time now nothing wants to go back in. 3 hours later I started to put the lid on and sit a spell. I sat in my chair and looked over and there was her lamp. Crap now I got to take the lid off and try to get it in and it was another unpack and pack job. I decided to pack all my wood tools in 5 gallon buckets I had 4 of them to ship. By the end of the day I put around 400 lbs out. When I thought about it I had picked them up 3 times in a day. I put them in the truck packed them in the post office and then picked them up to put on the counter. That might be why my butts dragging then she ask if I am alright not in the head. I remember the cramps in my legs driving here my whole body might be one big cramp tonight. Well it is time for bed I am looking forwarded to tonight.

Wednesday I didn't start to fast today I was wore out. I had to at least ship something so I had the old vcr tapes a player with all the kids movies on them.  I packed them up had a few odds and ends and I even pack the bathroom scales. I got them down to the post office and told the post master I would have weight it but I pack the scales. He just laugh and I could see in his face this must be the last one. I had to open the crate again and add more stuff. The top ain't going to be worth anything with put screws in and out. I though that I was through went in to clean up for church for the last time at Hope Baptist looked down on the floor and saw 6 pairs of shoes. What the hell woman we are gona to be on the road for 8 days and you need 6 pairs. She huffed and said I forgot to pull them out. Well here it goes I heard the first huff and many more to come. After church the group was going to the neighbors house to watch fireworks. I ask to see if I could get some loading the crate the boys came down and on the second attempt we got it loaded. But not without a accident one of the boys got his finger mashed under the crate. I know that had to hurt he didn't cry I would have probably. It is in and I ain't taking the lid off again. Well unless the border patrol ask and I might have to argue a little about that. He don't know what a pain in the butt that crate has been. We had a great time visiting with the church group but we had to go just before fireworks. Roxie is deathly scared of them and I just want to make sure that she didn't eat the doors down trying to run. Chili dosed with benydrle calmed her down for awhile. HUM it might work on her I just got to think about it.

Thursday I might have to fill you in if I remember. Friday just wipe me out fried my brain. But I do know that I bought oysters and fried them. I was thinking I might want to get a bait of them before I go this will probabaly be the last ones for awhile. As far as anything else it's blank sorry.

Friday Dday the last day and I don't mean rapture which by the end of the day I wished it had come. Got up early ready to getRdone. Well it started you know I gotta get my hair done at 10 it might be the last one for awhile. I said ok no problem it's 8 now hair at 10 so 2 hours to help. I ran to the hardware store to get more straps. When I get back I got to go and run the papers off for school. Wait school is 2 months away we have to be on the boat in 24 hrs. It didn't make sence to me but I ain't going to argue I know I ain't going to win. Just grin and bare it I got plenty of things to do. I loaded the truck about 5 times it was like the tetrus game the pieces had to fit but they didn't go away. I just kept finding holes and fitted anything that would go in them. She finally got back from school the printer didn't work and she was trying to explain and I know what face I give her because she said you don't have to be mean about it. I got other fish to fry. I hope I get some tonight I mean fish get your mind out of the gutter. I am thinking this it going to be a all nighter I hope I can sleep on the boat. She got back from the hair Dr. look how good it is. I say now can we start cleaning nope another errand. now it's 4 in the afternoon the car is empty the house needs cleaning and I think I need to start drinking I am wipe out I have a big bench to load in that car and I am hoping that it fits and my ice chests will go in to. She comes back and said you know we have reservations at 7 to go eat. If we don't get that bench in we don't Huff sound echos .We loaded the bench and 1 ice chest the other didn't fit neither did the containers fit either. I gave them to the neighbor. I just started taking out things in the containers and putting them loose in the car. I put cups knifes and bowls all  lose I don't care any more. I think that was in a song to. I know I am going to pay for it when I get to Anchorage but for right now I was like sprinkling salt all over and where it fell theres where she would rides. I had to go eat and I admit the food was good and I got fried fish. But the time for resting is over now I got 12 hrs to go a few things cleaned and more to load. I loaded until 9 I had to get the car on the dolly. We went to the store parking lot and started to drive on it I forgot the straps at the house. Went got them and loaded it the preacher came by and said you loading at 9 30. He didn't know I still had 3 more hours to load. We finally got it loaded and cleaned at 11. She open the fridge and  said we forgot something to clean it another hour later . We went to bed 5 am came early. But that's how I spent the last 7 days on the island. I told you I could remember Thursday I am tired just writing this and proof reading it makes me tireder and I know you know thats a lie. I know you noticed especilaly the literary geniuses that I only had 5 days it took Saturday and Sunday to figure out how to start back on the blog and catch you up on the progress. That took the first 2 days. Just thinking about it I should have been packing instead of writing

Next one is the journey

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Week 8 until the next move

 Well I know it's been awhile sense I last posted.  We made the winter we didn't freeze to death wasn't as bad as I thought it rains and stays around 36 to 40. Now don't let the sunshine come through it gets cold then. The sun came out 3 days straight it was 11 degrees at night and 18 at noon. I don't mind the clouds. We went home for Christmas and got to see the family. It just seem real quick visit but it was 13 days. I got to bring the grandboys to the Independence  Bowl that was a blast. they didn't care to much for the game but the food was their cup of tee. Got to go out with the sisters and brother and their wife and husbands to eat for Christmas. That is one thing that my Mama taught together with Family on Christmas. Got back and got some bad news that they wasn't going to renew her contract. We were pretty upset but just like we got here God will open another door if he wants us to stay.    We had a great year I know I didn't do what I said I was going to to do and write and post every week but just having to much fun. I had a blast here I visited the grocery store just about everyday and sometimes 2 or 3. The girls (Dogs) went with me everytime. It got to the point that when I put my cap on in then morning they would whine and start going to the door. I told one of the ladies that I come in  here so much that I was waiting on my pay check. They just laugh but I made them laugh most days. I actually got in better shape here and let me tell you that is a major accomplishment. From when I got here a couch potato to be able to hike up the mountain that was amazing to me. My daughter came and visited she could hardly keep up with us. When she left she said that she had a lot of changing to do.  But all in all I had a great time I know she did too.
  So she got a call from a little school in the interior of Alaska and got the job and the next adventure begins. I will hate leaving this island but that is what we came for the adventure. Most think we are crazy for coming  here but I don't put much stock in what people think about me. If you  think about it if you let people dictate what you do you will never get to do anything. I ain't talking about hurting someones else's feelings get out and go somewhere. This country has alot of places to see and experience. Ok am getting a little sappy so let's get on with the next move. I will try to keep you up with everything I hope but I might miss a few details.

Monday 1 July 2019

The next move

 We went on a visit to Mcgrath and really liked it. It was a small Alaskan Village and it is going to be true Alaska -40 in the winter. She ain't found of me saying -40 but that is what I think of Alaska. I am excited I get to moose hunt carabou hunt black bear and brown bear. I also can put in for an bison hunt in the area. The only thing no halibut or rock fish but they have other fish to be caught. I will give some of the things about the town. Very few cars and trucks most get around on a 4 wheeler or snow mobile in the winter. It cost 10 grand to get her car there. So she will have to learn to drive a 4 wheeler. OH excuse me side by side she doesn't want her hair to be messed up on the way to school.  There are no paved roads just 20 miles of dirt roads. they go from  airport to a rock pit 20 miles away. they have a big outside furnace to burn the trash and nobody throws any hard goods away. With what it cost to ship things there somebody might need a part or so from things that you have. It looks like a real close town with everybody helping each other.

   I am packing and getting ready. Now you just don't pick up and move here in Alaska. Home we just throw things in the truck and haul butt down the road. NOOO not here you have to schedule ferry and driving where there are roads. I have to get on a ferry and then get on another one but you have to make sure the second one will be there when you get off the first one. If you don't it could be 2 days waiting for the next one to leave. So no matter how you feel the next morning you best be on the move. We have to go through Canada AGAIN this time 2 times in 1 day I hope. I got to go in drive 350 miles and get out. I just hope for no 200 mile detours and this time I am bringing my rifle through. That why I need to ship as much as I can less to unload it I need too.

   Well we have 14 days to go and it looks like I will do the packing. She has a test to keep her certification up I ain't going to complain she is my meal ticket here. I don't see why the stay at home wife's complain about staying home I enjoy it. I know I will get flack for that statement but heck I got a system for the cleaning and cooking and got time to fish and hunt. I don't have to listen to a boss that thinks he knows everything or one younger one and trying to prove himself. I just have to have supper on the table and clean clothes for her to wear the next day. The two girls don't even worry about anything (DOGS) all they care if you are going somewhere we are going.

 I am putting everything in plastic containers bolting them down and sending them in the mail to Mcgrath. When we get there they will be waiting (maybe). We meet the preacher at the church and said send them to me and I will put them in my shop. Well we will see what kind of guy he is with all the stuff I am sending it will make a preacher cuss. I feel sorry for the postmaster 6 big plastic tubs the first day and 7 the next. I am almost there. We have gotten some stuff here and what it cost to buy in Alaska I ain't leaving much.

Ok I will try to post the last week on the Island in a couple of days.

Well We Survived the winter

  Well we made it today the temp got to 33 degrees above zero and the rest of the week looks the same no below zero temps. I can't say t...